Somali 2007

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Civilians coming home when the fighting is over. Los Anod, SomaliLand, Monday, October 15, 2007. The military constantly camp near Los Anod in the province of  SomaliLand, bordering on PuntLand. Fighting is resumed at this territory from time to time.
The military convoy on the way. Los Anod, SomaliLand, Monday, October 15, 2007. The military constantly camp near Los Anod in the province of  SomaliLand, bordering on PuntLand. Fighting is resumed at this territory from time to time.
The military convoy on the way. Los Anod, SomaliLand, Monday, October 15, 2007. The military constantly camp near Los Anod in the province of  SomaliLand, bordering on PuntLand. Fighting is resumed at this territory from time to time.
The military convoy bypassing the barrier of boulders and tree trunks made by the villagers supporting the opposite side. Los Anod, SomaliLand, Monday, October 15, 2007. The military constantly camp near Los Anod in the province of  SomaliLand, bordering on PuntLand. Fighting is resumed at this territory from time to time.
A soldier with a grenade launcher at the roadblock. Los Anod, SomaliLand, Monday, October 15, 2007. The military constantly camp near Los Anod in the province of  SomaliLand, bordering on PuntLand. Fighting is resumed at this territory from time to time.
The soldiers injured in battle being in hospital. Los Anod, SomaliLand, Monday, October 15, 2007. The military constantly camp near Los Anod in the province of  SomaliLand, bordering on PuntLand. Fighting is resumed at this territory from time to time.
In the hospital for the soldiers wounded in battle. Los Anod, SomaliLand, Monday, October 15, 2007. The military constantly camp near Los Anod in the province of  SomaliLand, bordering on PuntLand. Fighting is resumed at this territory from time to time.
Next to the hospital for the soldiers wounded in battle. Los Anod, SomaliLand, Monday, October 15, 2007. The military constantly camp near Los Anod in the province of  SomaliLand, bordering on PuntLand. Fighting is resumed at this territory from time to time.
Hargeisa - Mental Hospital - Moneychangers - Police - Former British State House - Los Anod - Berbera

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